Subjects evaluation

This regulation develops and complement the general framwork of the Academic Regulations of the Degree and Master’s studies (Normativa Acadèmica dels Estudis de Grau i Màster) and it’s for general application to the students of this degree and all the subjects except the Final Master’s Degree which isregulated by its own rules.

For each subject, the school foresees two ordinary announcements: the continued evaluation and the final evaluation. The evaluation method must ensure that the final result must have presented all the evaluations acts of the subject with the next conditions:


Continuous evaluation

When the academic term ends, the teaching staff of the subject will publish the grades get by the students with continuous evaluation. 

As a rule, the continuous evaluation activity (exams) will be performed within the academic schedule of the subject. Any exception of this rule, must be notified by the teaching staff to the Head of studies, so this change can be authorized and widely spread, before the enrolment period. A student enrolled with timetable issues, cannot, for this reason, claim for changes in exam dates.


The final exam or submission

The teaching plan of subjects establishes a final exam with a global character, so passing the exam means passing the subject.

The student could check the evaluation system of every subject of the Degree in the teaching guide of each one. 

The minimum grade for passing any subject of the Degree is a 5 Passing Grade.

At the end of the exams and submissions period, and in the established dates by the academic calendar of the degree, the teaching staff of the subject will update the grades in the online institutional application and will submit to the School Secretary an Evaluation Report (properly signed) with the marks (in a numerical and descriptive form) of the enrolled students, keeping in mind the standards established in the section "Evaluation" of the "Academic Regulations of the Degree in Architectural Studies and the Master of the UPC".

Students have the right to know the result of any evaluation activity in a maximum term of 2 weeks from the date of the exam and must be guaranteed a minimum term of one week between the publication date and the final exam date. This term will be fixed in the academic calendar of the ETSAB. The academic staff can add the needed remarks in order to advise the students for the final exam, if applicable. The academic staff have to establish and publish, the day of any evaluation activity, the date when qualifications are made public and the dates of the evaluations review period, taking advantage of all available means they have to ease these enquiries of the students.

The faculty will ensure that the publication of the results of the assessments is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation on protection of personal data, paying special attention in not linking the DNI with the students' names and surnames.

The student has the right of a personal revision of the whole exam in the presence of the teacher who has assessed the student..

The evaluation methodology of a subject has to guarantee that the final evaluation enables the teacher to make a general valuation of the learning process of the students considering the continuous evaluation and the final evaluation.

The managin School will ensure the correct functioning of the evaluation processes of the subjects and piblication of final grades and will make the needed decisions for solving possible doubts and/or conflicts that affect them

Approved by the Academic Comittee of the MBDesign the 21st of July, 2017