


The Academic Regulations of the Degree and Master’s studies of the UPC, related to the permanence regime of the students to the university, establishes: 


“The University has the obligation to ensure the rational use of resources assigned by the society, the responsibility to guarantee an appropriate level of qualifications for the students and the requirement, as a public service has to satisfy, of ensuring access by as many students as possible. The university has to establish the instruments for assuming a proper performance and has to demand dedication enough and responsible use of means that have been made available.”

In this sense, the Academic Comittee of the MBDesign considers appropriate to apply a minimum performance of the first course of 15 ECTS. The students who don’t pass this minimum Will be untied of the studies.

In this sense, the school considers appropriate to apply a minimum performance of the first course of 15 ECTS. The affected students can reasonably justify, within the established term for this purpose, the non-application of this minimum performanc. In this case, and only when the Master’s Academic Comittee accepts the student justifications, the resolution will be published with the new maximum period when the students will have to satisfy with the minimum credits of 15 ECTS.

In case of disengagement, and as the same regulations determined:


“The excluded student of University Master’s Studies can return after at least two years after the disengagement, and only with the prior authorization of Rector and if there is again an assigned placement.”

Approved by the Academic Comittee of the MBDesign the 21st of July, 2017