

The University Master’s Degree in Engineering of the Escola Tècnica Superior en Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona (ETSEIB) provides an advanced and rigorous academic training enabling the student to enter into the professional practice of an engineer.

The Master offers a multidisciplinary training program in the fields of the industrial technologies, the business engineering and the industrial constructions and facilities. It also allows the students to specialize in different industry disciplines: Automatics, Biomedicine, Electricity, Electronic, Energy, Structure and Constructions, Materials, Mechanics, Business Engineering, Environment and Chemistry or IT for Industry.

The graduates of this Master’s will be professionals with the ability to design, implement, manage, control and maintain products and processes; and to successfully develop in any field of the industry activity, according to the current needs of the society. Its multidisciplinary training, rigorous and technologically advanced makes these professionals to provide versatility and a high value both in the national and international industrial fabric.


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