Professional office practices


Regulations for professional office practices

The Academic Regulations of the Degree and Master’s studies, from now on NAGRAMA, foresee in its point 4.1.4 Credits recognition for professional and work experience (Reconocimiento de créditos por experiencia laboral y profesional) that credits for this concept only will be recognised in the curriculums which consider the undertake of external practices of compulsory or elective nature. In the "Memory for the application of verifying the official degree of Master's degree in Landscape by the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña" its established in 6 ECTS the number of compulsory credits (subject Practices in professional office - Prácticas en despacho profesional) that students have to obtain through the undertaking of academic external practices.

The student will be able to obtain those credits through two routes:

  1. The undertaking of academic external practice, through Convention of Educative Cooperation or equivalent, under the framework of the Regulations of academic external practices (Normativa de prácticas académicas externas) of the UPC
  2. The recognition of credits for working and professional experience, under the framework of the NAGRAMA

In both cases, only will be considered those practices that are directly related with the competences and knowledge acquired in the Master's Degree, being excluded, therefore, administrative and teaching tasks performed in the University, as well as any other not included activity in the regulation context.

The 6 credits obtained by this concept will be assigned as the case may be:

  • For a minimum of 180 hours performed in an external curricular academic internship through Convention of Educative Cooperation or equivalent.

The recognisement will be possible when a single academic internship reaches the minimum number of established hours. (It cannot accumulate/add hours undertaken in different internships).

According to the regulation of external academic internship, the curricular internship has the same consideration than a subject and thus, will have assigned a liable teaching, that will have the function of academic mentor, and will evaluate the internship as a numerical and briefing grade from the student's report and from the mentor of the collaborating entity. This grade will be incorporated in the student's transcript and will compute for all purposes in the average grade.

  • For a minimum of 1600 hours recognised for professional and work experience

The recognisements for working and professional experience will be incorporated to the student's transcript through resolution of the Master's Academic Committe and against payment of the fees that sets the Public Rates Decree (Decreto de Precios Públicos). Under the Master's regulations, this kind of recognisements won't incorporate a grade, and so, won't compute for transcript's scale purposes neither its average grade.

In this last case, the Master's Academic Committe will value if the professional and work experience that the students accredits is related with the inherent competences of the Degree. The student must submit the documentation detailed below:

  1. A working life certification that accredits the link of the student with the company.
  2. Output documents from the company that accredit performed tasks ant the period in which have been fulfilled.
  3. In the case that the student himself was liable of the company, must provide the certificate of self-employed worker as well as any other report that the school request.
  4. Report of the student about the developed work.

In no case professional experience will be recongnized if it had previously been recognized in the Degree. 

Check the procedure in the section of Internships.


Approved by the School Board (Junta d’Escola) the 23rd of June, 2015.
Modified by the School Board (Junta d’Escola) the 21st of June, 2016.
Aquesta traducció té caràcter informatiu. La versió oficial és el text en català de la normativa aprovada pels òrgans de govern de l’ETSAB.
This translation has informative character. The official version is exclusively the text in Catalan of the approved regulations by the Governing Council of the ETSAB.