Admission profile

a. Architectural Studies Degree or equivalent degrees or Architecture Degree or other equivalent profile from former curricula
b. Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering
c. Degree in Design
d. Studies of Design (Higher Arts Studies, equivalent to a degree taught at Higher Schools of Art and Design)
e. Studies of Architecture, Industrial Design Engineering and design obtained according different education systems outside the European Higher Education Area. Graduates have to certify that their degrees have a level of training equivalent to the corresponding Spanish university degrees and which authorizes access to postgraduate studies in the issuing country.
f. Exceptionally, universities studies in the fields of Communication Sciences, Business Administration, Fine Arts and others Engineering (with exception the engineering which gives direct access)
The Master’s Academic Committee in the cases e) and f) will evaluate the suitability of the candidates and the presentation of their motives and may establish the need to overcome specific complements to study in the Architectural Studies Degree, Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering or Degree in Design that in no case may exceed 18 ECTS. The resolution of the Master’s Academic Committee will be binding and therefore the overcoming of these training supplements will be a necessary condition to pass the Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Design‐Barcelona.
The graduates from educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area must certify, if required, that their degrees have a level of training equivalent to the corresponding Spanish university degrees and which authorizes access to postgraduate studies in the issuing country.