Enrolment process 2024-2025




You can update your personal data

Enter your bank details and print the payment order that you will have to upload to the system if you want to pay by direct debit and/or in instalments.

Check the enrolment order and complete your enrolment online on the date and at the indicated hour. 

You must first accept the commitment to academic integrity before enrolling.




To pay by direct debit or instalments:

You must upload the SEPA order duly signed (handwritten or electronically) by the student and the account holder, if it is a different person (a bank account open in an EU country is required).

If the SEPA order is not introduced and validated by the ETSAB Office, you will only have the option to pay the registration fee in a single instalment, by credit or debit card or directly in cash to an authorised bank.

Please remember, if you do not enter the SEPA, and it is not confirmed by the ETSAB Secretary's Office, you will have to pay the registration fee in a single instalment, by credit or debit card or directly in cash at a bank.

Check if you are entitled to a tuition fee discount and if applicable, submit it through the specified channel.


REMEMBER: Check the DOCUMENTATION TO BE SUBMITTED section and submit the appropriate documentation through the indicated channels. 

Mid-July onwards you can check all the updated information about the academic year 2024-2025  (timetablescalendarexamsteaching guides...).

You can consult the rest of the regulations for enrolment, evaluation and permanence. This information will be very useful all along your studies.



It is necessary to comunicate  via demana ETSAB that the fees for issuing que the diploma have been paid, and no additional documentation will need to be summitted. 

You must submit the documentation through the channels specified in each case, before enrolment, if indicated, and no later than 31 October
1. If you are a foreign citizen, NIE or Passport -
2. Diploma or certificate of payment of the issuing fees (compulsory before enrolment). 
  • If these documents can be validated electronically (QR o CSV), upload to esecretaria (documentation input).
  • If these documents cannot be validated electronically (QR o CSV) the original must be presented at the Academic Office  (1st floor ETSAB).
3. Transcript of records  showing the subjects taken with the grades and the number of credits/hours for each of the subjects and the overall average mark. If the transcript does not contain this information, it will be necessary to provide an official document to prove it. 

You must submit the documentation through the channels specified in each case, before enrolment, if indicated, and no later than 31 October.
1.  If you are a foreign citizen, NIE or Passport.
2. Diploma or certificate of payment of the issuing fees (compulsory before enrolment)). They must be legalised through diplomatic channels and officially translated into Catalan or Spanish if applicable.
  • If these documents can be validated electronically (QR o CSV), upload to esecretaria (documentation input).
  • If these documents cannot be validated electronically (QR o CSV) the original must be presented at the Academic Office (1st floor ETSAB).
3. Transcript of records  showing the subjects taken with the grades and the number of credits/hours for each of the subjects and the overall average mark. If the transcript does not contain this information, it will be necessary to provide an official document to prove it. It must be legalised through diplomatic channels and officially translated into Catalan or Spanish if applicable.
4. Certificate of equivalence of average grades from university studies abroad issued by the Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional. This is a free online procedure and can be accessed from the MEFP website. Fill in the necessary information, print and sign the document (handwritten or electronically).

You will complete the enrolment process online, via esecretaria. We calculate the order of registration according to your access mark.

If you were admitted conditionally to the Master because you hadn't graduated at the time, you won't be able to register if you don't show evidence that you have already graduated.

The system will make you choose the modality of studies to which you want to choose. Total dedication (studying the whole of the Master's in the time specified in the study plan - 1 year) or partial dedication (longer itinerary with enrolment conditions that you can consult in the regulations). Remember! Enrolment is annual, so you are registering for the whole course, not just the first semester.
The acronym of each subject corresponds to the specialty line and in the case of the elective courses it also indicates the semester of teaching. Please note that, in addition to following the advice given by the speciality coordinators:
    • to obtain the speciality you must enrol in a minimum of 5 optional subjects from the same speciality line in which you have been admitted and 1 sixth optional subject which may be from the same or a different line. If you choose to register the sixth optional subject of another line, check the timetable to ensure that the subjects registered do not overlap in time. Some specialites require students to enroll in a specific subject in order to obtain it. Check for the information about specialities.

    • if you have been admitted to attend a double speciality, you must choose in which of the specialities you are going to intensify, that is, in which of the two you will attend the compulsory subjects.
      To obtain the two specialities at the end of your training you must have passed a minimum of 5 optional subjects from each of the specialization line where you have been admitted and 2 more optional subjects that may be from these two lines or from others.
      Although it is recommended that you take one specialty in the first year and another in the following year, if your schedule is more convenient, you can take optional subjects in both specialties at the same time and register for them. Check the timetables to make sure that the subjects you have registered for do not overlap in time.
You will have to go forward through the different windows until you choose the form of payment: cash, direct debit or divided into 3 instalments. To make a direct debit or payment in instalments, you must have previously uploaded the SEPA order in the  e-secretaria and the Etsab Office must have previously validated it. From the final amount, the 300 euros you have paid previously, will have automatically be deducted.
If you plan to apply for one of the spots in the DMD Tongji program you should also consider that:
The program's academic conditions establish that the Master's thesis must be registered during the second academic year, since it is defended when you return from your stay at Tongji University, so the registration that you formalize in September cannot include this subject. Do not register for the TFM. If, once the call for applications has been resolved, you have not obtained your admission, an extraordinary period will be opened for you to register at the beginning of the second semester in order to finish the MBArch normally. If you register in the month of September and then obtain a place, you may opt to cancel the TFM registration without the right to a refund of the registration fee.  
If you have obtained a scholarship in your country, which implies the fulfilment of specific academic conditions (passing the master's degree in one academic year, not failing or re-registering in any course, etc.) and which involves the payment of the enrolment fee to the UPC by another institution, you must present, prior to enrolment, a certificate of enrolment, authorising you to postpone the enrolment of the TFM for one academic year. Otherwise, you will not be eligible for this program. Please consult us before registering for your TFM.
If you are eligible to obtain a grant from the Ministry, you must take into consideration that in order to apply for it and depending on the academic conditions set by the scholarship announcement, it may be necessary to register all the subjects of the Master, including the Final Thesis in your first registration. If you apply for a spot in the DMD program and it is granted, you must register for the TFM a second time the following year, with the surcharge established in the public price decree. If you have any questions regarding this program or want to ask us about your particular case, please contact our Office. 
If you have any questions, you can contact us via demanaETSAB., or by phone at 93 401 63 59.

Furthermore, on September 17, 18, and 19 from 08:30 to 13:30 you can also contact us via Google Chat, using the username "secretaria.etsab" from your UPC Google account "estudiantat@upc.edu" (please note, this is different from "secretaria.academica.etsab"). This channel is reserved for resolving issues during the self-enrollment period and will not respond to messages outside of these days and hours. For any other inquiries, please contact us via demanaETSAB.

Once the enrolment is completed, you will receive a confirmation email. You can access your enrolment form at any time through the d'esecretaria.
The UPC card is virtual. You can download the UPC APP and access it from there.
If, once your registration has been reviewed, you need to apply for any changes, you can do so within the established deadlines. You have all the information available in the section Enrolment modifications.
The lessons will start on September 25. If you have any questions contact us via demana ETSAB
Welcome to ETSAB!!