Third language

The mastery of a third language (not Spanish or Catalan) by the graduates in Degrees of the Catalan Universities, in addition to be a regulation requirement according to the Law 2/2014 of 27 January of fiscal measures, administrative, financial and of the public sector, is a strategic objective in the scope of a construction of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) started with the will of promote the internationalization, the projection of the professional and the recognition of the research.

Competence and accreditation:

At the time of applying for the diploma, graduates must have demonstrated competence in a third language at a level equivalent to B2.2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Therefore, in order to obtain the bachelor's degree, students must acquire competence in a third language. According to the academic regulations for bachelor's and master's degrees at the UPC, there are the following options:

If you have an official certificate, you can apply for accreditation of the third language at any time during your studies by submitting an application and the certificate at the UPC's Electronic Office

Recognition of elective subjects:

If the conditions established in the UPC's academic regulations are met, and as long as competence in a third language has been previously accredited, it is possible to apply for the recognition of credits for the passing of language courses or exams taken during the studies. Applications may be submitted:

  • In either of the two periods that the School sets for each academic year (November and/or March) by submitting an application at the UPC's Electronic Office.

All the information updated about languages, accreditation ways, official exams and valid certificate to credit or submit recognitions, can be checked at the web portal of the Language services and resources at the UPC.


Last update July 2023