Admission to the doctoral program in "Arquitectural Design"


Program coordinator:    Maria Magdalena Mària Serrano

Teaching staff and research groups   At this link you can consult, among other useful information, the "Teaching staff and research groups" and the "Doctoral theses" sections

Specific requirements

Besides the documents indicated in the general procedure, in order to be admitted to this program, you also need to upload the following:  

  1. Degree in Architecture (other degrees are not admitted)
  2. Master’s degree.  It is necessary to have obtained a mark equivalent to 8 (out of 10) in your  master’s dissertation
  3. Graphic curriculum, writing and research
  4. Research projects carried out
  5. Publications
  6. Proposed work plan (to draw up “the research plan”), that should not exceed 5 pages, with the following format:
  • Page 1: Front page, which include: Title, Name of the PhD program, student's full name, e.mail, Phone number, Name of the proposed director/tutor, research group and  Degree you have.
  • Page 2: Thematic of the proposed research or main objective of the research to develop
  • Page 3: Study Methodology.
  • Page 4: Proposed timetable until the submission of the “research plan”
  • Page 5: Letter of commitment of the supervisor of studies (a member of the Doctorate in Architectural Design)  in this forma
  • Report from the same supervisor indicated above, where he/she exposes yours merits and the opportunity to work in the line of research, as well as the desirability of the research in accordance with the interests of the research line (free format).  Said report shall require the approval of the director of the Research Group, for the purpose of admission to the Group.

    Points 6 (page 5) and 7  means that you should find a UPC professor between those listed at the link provided above (Teaching staff) that is willing to supervise your PhD thesis and get the letters of commitment and report from him/her. Then upload those letters to the pre enrolment site. The academic committee will review your application and will decide accordingly. 
  •  Remark:  If you hold the master’s degree in Theory and Practice of Architectural Design (instinct curriculum)  or the “MBArch. Master's degree in Advanced Studies in Architecture-Barcelona, and have obtained a mark of 8 (N) or more in the Master's Thesis, the only documents that you have to submit are:  6.“proposed work plan” and 7.“report” . And you don’t need to upload anything else.



    In order to be able to do the PhD in Spanish,  students are required to have a minimum level of Spanish, written and spoken. All applicants coming from countries where Spanish it is not the native language will have to produce a DELE diploma or equivalent to account for a B1 level or higher.

    In order to be able to do the PhD in English, a good written and spoken level is required for all applicants. The minimum level should be set:

    TOEFL Test (>80 iBT) certificate or equivalent is needed.

    Certificate in Advanced English (Level A o B) o Certificate of Proficiency in English.

    IELTS (mínimum rate: 7, in the Academic version or  General Training).

    Should the applicant know other languages, please list them.