Admission to the doctoral degree in "Theory and History of Architecture"


Program coordinator:    Antoni Ramon Graells

Teaching staff and research groups   At this link you can consult, among other useful information, the "Teaching staff and research groups" and the "Doctoral theses" sections.

Specific requirements

Besides the documents indicated in the general procedure, in order to be admitted to this program, you also need to upload the following:


  1. A report outstanding the research work done and/or published to this date and indicating the research lines linked with the this PhD program or with members of the program, if appropriate.
  2. Proposed research work (at least 3000 words), including the following subjects:

a) Introduction and goal of the study

b) Candidate’s academic context and knowledge field of the work

c) Methodological approach

d) Ideas about the structure and contents of the work

e) Proposed schedule until the delivery of the Research Plan

f) Bibliography and Sources


3. A report from your thesis director. In order to be eligible for this program, it is essential that the candidate has agreed on a thesis direction with a professor from the Program and encloses a letter  from such director committing him or her to carry out the thesis direction (in case the candidate is admitted) and explaining to the Academic committee the interest and opportunity of the work within the research lines of the Department. You can consult the list of the program's faculty, as well as their scientific production and contact email in the section "Teaching staff and research groups" (see link above). Applications sent without this requirement will not be reviewed and will be rejected.


Please note: Spanish proficiency is essential

Incoming profile:

Given the multidisciplinary nature of the programe's scientific field, the qualifications that give access to the programe  are diverse.

In general, the program is aimed at all those interested in the areas that, in addition to meeting the requirements of credits taken, have the preparation and research interests that can be developed with the direction of the teachers assigned to the program, provided that their availability allows it.


Specific admission requirements:

In more detail, the academic profile of candidates must meet the following conditions:

Candidates must have completed a degree in the areas of knowledge of architecture, geography, history, art history and humanities (or less closely related areas such as archaeology, fine arts, journalism, tourism, etc.), must be interested in carrying out doctoral research in fields linked to the theory and history of architecture, art and the city.

Candidates must have previously graduated from the specialization in Theory, History and Culture of the MBArch Master’s degree in Advanced Studies in Architecture-Barcelona, offered by the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB) or from the Master’s degree in Sustainable Intervention in the Built Environment (MISMeC), offered by the Vallès School of Architecture (ETSAV). Completion of one of those master's degrees is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the candidate to be accepted into the Department's Doctoral Program


Admission will be based on the weighting of the following axes:

The adequacy of previous training at university level, in terms of content and academic performance.

The degree of maturity measured through the explanation of the candidate's previous career, research interests and motivation

The research experience, through the collaborations and publications that the candidate has made.

The affinity with the lines of work of professors and research groups in the program.

It is essential that there is a correspondence between the intentions and academic interests of the applicants, with the fields and lines of research that the professors of the doctoral program develop.


Likewise, it is essential to have a very good level of Spanish and a good level of English, and knowledge of other languages that enable access to an extended bibliographical field will be highly valued.

Occasionally, the Academic Committee of the Program may accept candidates who have not completed the specialization in Theory, History and Culture of the MBArch Master’s degree in Advanced Studies in Architecture-Barcelona, under two mandatory conditions: that the candidate has the endorsement of a professor of the Program and begin the doctorate completing complementary training by enrolling in some subjects of the Master MBArch (at least one), as indicated by the Academic Committee, based on the candidate's curriculum


You can consult here the specialization in Theory, History and Culture of the MBArch Master’s in Advanced Studies in Architecture-Barcelona.