
Cursos curts projecte MERIT


En el marc del projecte europeu MERIT i com a pas previ a l'inici del nou "Master's degree in Machine Learning and Cybersecurity for Internet Connected Systems", es duran a terme alguns cursos curts, online i gratuïts.

En el marc del projecte europeu MERIT i com a pas previ a l'inici del nou "Master's degree in Machine Learning and Cybersecurity for Internet Connected Systems", es duran a terme alguns cursos curts, online i gratuïts.

La propera setmana s'ofereix un curs sobre aspectes ètics, legals i humans de la intel·ligència artificial i la ciberseguretat. Serà impartit en anglès.

Últim dia d'inscripció 12 de juny.

Dates: From 17 June to 3 July 
Schedule: Monday and Wednesday from 17:00 to 19:00
Price: Free 
Place: Online
You can register using this link:  
Registration deadline: 12 June
Course Description:
This course provides the fundamentals for ensuring the responsible governance of information technology systems with a particular focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other cyber-physical systems. In particular, it explores issues such as accountability, privacy, and transparency in AI technologies. Moreover, an overview of the global landscape o AI governance initiatives is provided before delving further into EU-centric legislative efforts (e.g. AI Act, GDPR, etc). Topics related to security and robustness or the safe use o the technology are also studied, alongside with biases and explainability. This short course is provided as part of MERIT (, a Digital Europe project.