Management Team

Management Team

Position and Functions Name
Updated to October 2023



Aurora Torrents Gomez



In addition to the other functions inherent to the position entrusted to them by the Board, the Dean of the teaching center, and the University regulations, the responsibilities of the different Vice Deaneries are presented below:

Vice Dean for International Relations


  • Responsible for obtaining the European Diploma of FOOT
  • Management of community IN-OUT mobility
Viñuela Navarro

Vice Dean of Undergraduate Studies


  • Coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Optics and Optometry
  • Develop the academic program of the Degree: teaching assignment, teaching guides, academic calendar, schedules, and Final Degree Projects (TFG).
  • Manage compliance with the third language in undergraduate studies.
  • Manage the Tutorial Action Plan (PAT).

Marc Argilés Sans


Academic Director of the University Vision Centre (CUV)

  • Organise the academic activity that takes place at the CUV.
  • Convene and chair the CUV Board.
  • Participate in the design of strategic lines.
  • Prepare the Management Report and the Annual Activity Report of the CUV

Vice Dean of Economics

  •  Supervise the economic status of the Center, as well as design and supervise the budget and closing.
  • Manage resource acquisition.
  • Manage ICT and Teaching Equipment calls.

Núria Vila


Vice Dean of Master's Studies


  • Coordinator of the University Master's Degree in Optometry and Vision Sciences
  • Develop the academic program of the Master's Degree: teaching assignment, teaching guides, academic calendar, schedules, and Final Master's Projects (TFM)

Joan Carles Ondategui Parra

Vice Dean of Communication and Social Engagement


  • Responsible for promoting FOOT's studies
  • Responsible for disseminating and communicating the most relevant issues of FOOT.
  • Responsible for cultural activities of 12(V)14
  • Responsible for inclusion, equality, equity, cooperation, and volunteering.




Francisco Javier Burgos Fernandez

Academic Secretary


  • The functions of the Academic Secretary are those established in the FOOT Regulations.
  • Interlocution between the management team and the students.

Vice Dean of Quality and Economics

  •  Ensure compliance with the Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIQ) and Degree Monitoring Reports (IST).
Xavier Molinero Albareda

Head of the Optics and Optometry Management Transversal Unit


  • Coordinate and supervise the academic and economic management of the center.
  • Participate in the evaluation and improvement of the center's processes.
  • Control and manage the center's infrastructure and equipment.
  • Monitor the operation of the center's external services.
  • Act as head of the administrative and service personnel of the UTG-AOO.
  • Prepare, according to the director's guidelines, the center's annual report.


Gorgori Ramon

Invited Member of the Management Team


Director of the University Vision Center



Responsible for the Miradas Solidarias project



Núria Tomàs Corominas